Gretna Public Schools Public Notices
JANUARY 13, 2025
SECTION I - Opening Procedures
Notice of the meeting was given in advance by the publication and/or posting in accordance with the Board approved method for giving notice of meetings. Notice of this meeting was published in the public notices section of the October 18, 2024 edition of The Daily Record and on their website as well as on the district website. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to all members of the Board of Education. The Secretary of the Board maintains a list of the news media requesting notification of meetings and advance notification to the listed media of the time and place of the meeting and the subjects to be discussed at this meeting was provided. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the publicized notice and a current copy of the Agenda was maintained as stated in the publicized notice. All proceedings of the Board of Education, except as may be hereinafter noted, were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public.
1.1 Call Meeting to Order - Rick Hollendieck called the meeting to order.
1.2 Roll Call - Board members present were: Mark Hauptman, Dawn Stock, Rick Hollendieck, Kyle Janssen, Greg Beach and Blake Turpen. Board members absent were: none. Others present were: Travis Lightle, Andrew Rinaldi, Russ Olsen, Mike Sortino, Shawn Hoppes, Molly Hornbeck, and Andy Boone.
1.3 Pledge of Allegiance - The board recited the pledge of allegiance.
1.4 Approval of Minutes - Motion by Kyle Janssen, seconded by Blake Turpen, to approve the minutes of December 09, 2024. A roll call vote was taken - Blake Turpen, yes; Kyle Janssen, yes; Rick Hollendieck, yes; Greg Beach, yes; Mark Hauptman, yes; and Dawn Stock, yes.
Motion carried. Yeas 6; Nays 0; Absent 0.
1.5 Recognition of Visitors - No visitors appeared before the board to speak during the recognition of visitors.
SECTION II - Matters Requiring Board Action
There are no actionable items at this board meeting.
3.1 District Update and Planning - The board reviewed the district’s strategic plan and received updates from all departments regarding the upcoming year.
SECTION IV - Announcements and Dates
4.1 Adjournment - Motion by Kyle Janssen, seconded by Mark Hauptman, to adjourn the meeting. A roll call vote was taken - Kyle Janssen, yes; Rick Hollendieck, yes; Blake Turpen, yes; Mark Hauptman, yes; Dawn Stock, yes; and Greg Beach, yes.
Motion carried. Yeas 6; Nays 0; Absent 0.
TIME: 3:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dawn Stock, Secretary
Board of Education - District #37
These minutes remain unofficial until officially ratified and signed by the Board of Education Secretary.
1/10 ZNEZ
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