Minutes of Meeting
of the Board of Trustees
Village of Boys Town
August 1, 2023
The meeting of the Board of the Village of Boys Town was held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the Headquarters Building of Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home in the Village of Boys Town, Nebraska.
Call to Order:
Trustee West called the meeting to order at 1:42 p.m.
Notice of Meeting:
A copy of the Open Meetings laws was placed at the entrance to the room. The Notice of Meeting was posted on July 25, 2023, to the Village of Boys Town and The Hub websites, and in the following designated public places in the Village of Boys Town: Town Hall, Visitor’s Center, and Headquaiiers buildings. The Notice of Meeting was also published in The Daily Record on July 25, 2023.
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence:
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Village Clerk Conducted Roll Call:
Village Board of Trustees:
Kyle Skartvedt- Chair, Board of Trustees
Monsignor James Gilg - Trustee
Chris Haack- Trustee
Jeff Lindley - Trustee
Joe West - Trustee
- PRESENT via audio bridge
Also present:
Judy Rasmussen -Village Treasurer
Dana Washington - Village Attorney
James Beckmann - Village Clerk
Bill Clark- Village Police Chief
Nick Thoreen - Village Fire Chief
Joe Oetken Representative -Village Engineer
Consent Agenda and Minutes of Prior Meeting:
Chair Skaiivedt moved for approval of the July 11, 2023, Minutes.
Upon MOTION duly made by Trustee Gilg and seconded by Trustee West, the Consent Agenda and Minutes were accepted. The Village Clerk conducted roll call.
Chair Skartvedt - AYE
Trustee Msgr. Gilg - AYE
Trustee West - AYE
Motion carried: 3-0
Special Presentation/Proclamation:
Jacey Ballard officially proclaimed August as Successful Futures Month in the Village of Boys Town.
Report of the Village Treasurer:
The Village Treasurer reviewed the June 2023 Financial Report with the Trustees. The balance of all funds as of June 30 collectively $293,307.22. Detailed reports of Payroll & Related Invoices Paid and Invoices to be Paid are attached here and become part of the minutes. Chair Skartvedt solicited a motion for consideration of and to approve action on accounts of the Village Treasurer, to approve the Village General Fund allowance, Payroll & Related Invoices Paid, and Invoices to be Paid.
Upon MOTION duly made by Trustee Gilg and seconded by Trustee West, these matters were accepted. The Village Clerk conducted roll call:
Chair Skartvedt - AYE
Trustee Msgr. Gilg - AYE
Trustee West - AYE
Motion carried: 3-0
Presentation of the full draft of 2023-2024 Preliminary Budget:
Village Treasurer Judy Rasmussen presented the full draft of the 2023-2024 Annual Budget for discussion noting a few anticipated administrative increases.
The special budget hearing open to the public will be held on August 29, 2023, at 1 :30PM.
Report of the Village Police Chief:
Chief Clark reported National Night Out is tonight. Chief Clark also shared information about officer activities with the board.
Report of the Village Fire Chief:
Chief Thoreen reported the fire department is finished with CPR training and Cadet Program to assist youth explore careers remains focus.
Report of the Village Engineer & Superintendent:
Engineer representative Joe Oetken reported bids were submitted for the Great Hall entrance improvements. The repairs on hospital road and parking are wrapping up. They are visiting with staff and doing site walks to evaluate enhancements to lake and reviewing traffic flow issues and sidewalks in and around the print shop, fire department, and post office.
Other Business:
Repeal Ordinance 342 - Concealed Carry of Firearms within the Village of Boys Town.
LB77, which provides for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, changes provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibits certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties was approved by the Governor on April 25, 2023, and takes effect September 1, 2023.
Upon MOTION duly made by Chair Skartvedt and seconded by Trustee Gilg, Resolution 0823-1 Repealing Ordinance 342 - Concealed Carry of Firearms within the Village of Boys Town has been passed. The Village Clerk conducted roll call:
Chair Skartvedt - AYE
Trustee Msgr. Gilg - AYE
Trustee West - AYE
Motion carried: 3-0
Next Meeting:
The special budget meeting open to the public will be held on August 29, 2023, at 1:30PM. The next regular meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for Tuesday, September 5, 2023, at 1:30 p.m.
There being no further business, upon motion duly made and carried by unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 2:11 p.m.
Motion carried: 3-0
Respectfully submitted,
Kyle Skartvedt
James Beckmann
Village Clerk
for the Month Ending
June 30, 2023
Balance Forward $218,466.01
Adjustments (i.e., Interest,
Voids, prior period) 0.00
Receipts for the Month 231,306.75
Less Warrants Issued (191,432.86)
Transfers 0.00
Less Bank Fees 0.00
Payroll Maxx Fees - EFT Debit (449.10)
Payroll (66,402.43)
Balance $191,488.37
Balance Forward $96,426.59
Adjustments (i.e.,Duplicate
Deposits, Voids prior period) 620.00
Receipts for the Month 10,518.00
Less Warrants Issued (5,606.75)
Transfers 0.00
Less Bank Fees (138.99)
Balance $101,818.85
JPM Gen Checking: 191,488.37
JPM EMS Funds: 101,818.85
TOTAL FUNDS: $293,307.22
I, JUDY F. RASMUSSEN, Treasurer of the Village of Boys Town, Nebraska, upon my oath, state that the above Financial Report is true and correct.
Village of Boys Town
Payroll & Related Invoices Paid
July 7 through August 1, 2023
Date Num Name Memo Amount
Jul 07 - Aug 1, 23
07/07/2023 FOP Lodge 35 Union Dues Paid by Agency CK # 1074665 (120.00)
07/07/2023 Vanguard Total Police & Fire Retirement & Loans Pulled from Ckg (4,452.19)
07/07/2023 Agency ck Child Support (341.00)
07/07/2023 Payroll Maxx Fees Payroll Processing Fee Inv. 681231 (187.03)
07/07/2023 Record Payroll Total Net Payroll-Cover Letter (21,192.46)
07/07/2023 Record Payroll Total Tax Liability-Cover Letter (10,810.64)
07/11/2023 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims paid thru 06/30/2023 Inv. 230704585230 (2,110.79)
07/12/2023 16433 Delta Dental of Nebraska WKY0002818314 Claims pd thru 07/01/2023 (475.58)
07/12/2023 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims paid thru 07/07/2023 Inv. 230711587346 (1,541.70)
07/18/2023 16434 Reliance Standard Life Ins Co. Coverage Period: Jul 2023 (470.96)
07/18/2023 16435 ReliaStar Life Ins Co. Group Plan # 0071233-7 Invoice # 12A4882834 - Jul (163.34)
07/19/2023 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims paid thru 07/14/2023 Inv. 230718589286 (468.85)
07/21/2023 ACH CVS/caremark Invoice #53813438 Period Covered 07/01 - 07/15/2023 (2,583.49)
07/21/2023 FOP Lodge 35 Union Dues Paid by Agency CK # 1079213 (120.00)
07/21/2023 Vanguard Total Police & Fire Retirement & Loans Pulled from Ckg (4,836.97)
07/21/2023 Agency ck Child Support (341.00)
07/21/2023 Payroll Maxx Fees Payroll Processing Fee Inv. 684789 (254.70)
07/21/2023 Record Payroll Total Net Payroll-Cover Letter (19,909.89)
07/21/2023 Record Payroll Total Tax Liability-Cover Letter (9,879.68)
07/25/2023 16436 Delta Dental of Nebraska WKY0002835006 Claims Pd thru 07/15/2023 (1,025.40)
07/26/2023 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims paid thru 07/21/2023 Inv. 230725581222 (2,401.09)
Jul 7 - Aug 1, 23 (83,686.76)
Village of Boys Town
Invoices to be Paid
As of August 1, 2023
Date Num Name Memo Amount
Jul 12 - Aug 1, 23
07/12/2023 Alex Duling EMT Trainer 3 Hrs 07/08/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 60.00
07/12/2023 Alex Witt EMT Trainer 3 Hrs 07/08/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 60.00
07/12/2023 American Red Cross EMS CPR Training - Danielle Jensen 130.50
07/12/2023 Blue Valley Public Safety Jul 2023 Maint of City Outdoor Warning Siren System 276.00
07/12/2023 Bound Tree Medical, LLC Medical Supplies - Intubating Laryngeal Airway Self-Pressurizing w/ Gastric 2 cases 50.58
07/12/2023 Brian W. Fitzke EMT Trainer 3 Hrs 07/07/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 75.00
07/12/2023 Chad Lingel EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 06/26 & 07/08/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 160.00
07/12/2023 Chad Nath EMT Trainer 5 Hrs 07/05 & 07/08/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 100.00
07/12/2023 DR Containers Rental of Storage Container for the 4th of July Fireworks 100.00
07/12/2023 FFBH Bond Interest - Admin Dept. - Jun 2023 29,680.29
07/12/2023 FFBH Monthly Est. Service Costs - Admin Dept - Jun 2023 33,333.33
07/12/2023 FFBH 2017 & 2020 Bond Fees - Admin Dept - Jun 2023 901.94
07/12/2023 FFBH Postage charged for mailing Checks - Jun 2023 36.00
07/12/2023 FFBH Professional Liability Ins- Police Dept - Jun 2023 592.00
07/12/2023 FFBH Copier/Print Shop Supplies - Police Dept. - Jun 2023 143.71
07/12/2023 FFBH Fuel Charges May - Police Dept - Jun 2023 1,446.82
07/12/2023 FFBH American Red Cross Classes - EMT Training Agency - Jun 2023 392.60
07/12/2023 FFBH Copier/Print Shop Supplies - Fire Dept - Jun 2023 176.45
07/12/2023 FFBH Fuel Charges - Fire Dept. Jun 2023 164.64
07/12/2023 FFBH Cox - Fire Dept Jun 2023 8.99
07/12/2023 FFBH Pharmaceuticals purchased from Hosp for Ambulance - Fire Dept - Jun 2023 31.07
07/12/2023 FFBH AP entered wrong amt for ARC Inv. will get CR in Jul 231.00
07/12/2023 Great Plains Uniforms Police Uniform (Trouser, Shirt, Boots) - T. Thedens 341.43
07/12/2023 Great Plains Uniforms Police Uniform ( Boots) - J. Paulison 139.99
07/12/2023 Great Plains Uniforms Police Uniform ( Boots) - T. Ward 114.50
07/12/2023 Great Plains Uniforms Police Uniform ( Shirt, Trouser) - T. Ward 198.48
07/24/2023 Hayden A DeBoer EMT Trainer 2 Hrs 07/18/23 Class Loc - Crete 40.00
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Utility -Tactical Vest Alterations - Police Dept. 35.50
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa AT & T - Cell Phone - Police Dept. 399.71
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Dani’s Card - FreshBooks $77, Bound Tree $117.60, Staples $67.09, Amazon $47.99 - Training Agency 309.68
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Dani’s Card - Bound Tree (Supplies for Ambulance) - Fire Dept. 68.91
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Dani’s Card - Fuel for Fire Trucks Hy-Vee - Fire Dept 46.26
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Dani’s Card - Stephens Publishing Co. - National Night Out - Fire Dept 190.00
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Nick’s Card - Fuel for Trucks - Fire Dept 141.38
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Nick’s Card - Feld Fire Equip - New Helmet - Fire Dept 449.00
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Nick’s Card - Food for Fire Dept. HyVee $94.47 &$137.94, Costco $223.60, Mamas Pizza $122.62 & $137.50, Union Pizzeria $82.73 798.86
07/26/2023 JP Morgan - Visa Nick’s Card - Misc. Tools for Fireworks Display Lowes $42.76, Menards $19.77 - Fire Dept 62.53
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task # 021 Post Office Design Improvements - Jun Svcs. 1,462.60
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task # 044 & 060 Lake Nauralization Planning & Water System - Jun Svcs. 747.90
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task # 374 MS4 Services - Jun Svcs. 212.40
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task # 375 Consultation, Meeting & Corr - Jun Svcs. 2,916.10
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task #384 Storm Sewer Maint - Jun Svcs. 3,066.32
07/12/2023 Lamp, Rynearson & Assoc. Task # 387 Paving Maintenance - Jun Svcs. 17,976.22
07/24/2023 Laura L Barlow Trainer 28 Hrs 05/02-05/30,06/10,06/27 & 07/06-07/20/23 Class Loc - Crete 560.00
07/12/2023 Marvin Barlow EMT Instructor - 18.5 Hrs 07/05, 07/06, 0713, & 07/15/23 Class Loc - Crete 462.50
07/24/2023 Marvin Barlow EMT Instructor - 13 Hrs 07/17, 07/18, & 07/20/23 Class Loc - Crete 325.00
07/12/2023 Michael Todd & Co. Galvanized U-Channel Post for Signs to be addtached 609.38
07/19/2023 OPPD Service Period 06/09/23 - 07/10/2023 107,564.24
07/12/2023 Phillip Oelschlager EMT Trainer 7 Hours 07/01/23 Class Loc - Crete 175.00
07/12/2023 Quick Med Claims QMC Fee GroundTrips/Rev 3,456.39 @ $0.15 Rate Inv Date 06/30/2023 518.46
07/12/2023 Robert G. Atkinson EMT Trainer - 5 Hrs 07/05 & 07/08/2023 Class Loc - BoysTown 100.00
07/12/2023 The Daily Record Printing of the Notice of Mtg - Bd of Trustees - 07/11/2023 35.60
07/25/2023 The Daily Record Printing of the Notice of Mtg - Bd of Trustees - 08/01/2023 35.60
07/12/2023 Tracy Stewart EMT Trainer - 5 Hrs
07/05 & 07/08/23 Class Loc - BoysTown 115.00
07/01/2023 WEX Health Jun 2023 Monthly Village FSA Fee 8.00
Jul 12 - Aug 1, 23 208,377.47
9/19 ZNEZ
Minutes of Special Meeting of
Board of Trustees Village of Boys Town
August 29, 2023
The special meeting of the Board of the Village of Boys Town open to the public was held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 29, 2023, in the Headquarters Building of Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home in the Village of Boys Town, Nebraska.
Call to Order:
Chair Skartvedt called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m.
Notice of Meeting:
A copy of the Open Meetings laws was placed at the entrance to the room. The Notice of Meeting was posted on August 16, 2023, to the Village of Boys Town and The Hub websites, and in the following designated public places in the Village of Boys Town: Town Hall, Visitor’s Center, and Headquarters buildings. The Notice of Meeting was also published in The Daily Record on August 18, 2023.
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence:
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Village Clerk Conducted Roll Call:
Village Board of Trustees:
Kyle Skartvedt - Chair
Monsignor James Gilg- Trustee
-Present via audio bridge
Chris Haack-Trustee
Jeff Lindley - Trustee
Joe West - Trustee
Also present:
Judy Rasmussen - Village Treasurer
Dana Washington - Village Attorney
James Beckmann - Village Clerk
Bill Clark- Village Police Chief
Nick Thoreen - Village Fire Chief
Representative Joe Oetken -Village Engineer
Presentation of the 2023-2024 Budget:
Village Treasurer Judy Rasmussen presented the 2023-2024 Budget. The public had full and fair opportunity to review, oppose, criticize, and weigh in on the 2023-2024 Village Budget. The Board also had an opportunity to review the 2023-2024 Budget. Each of the board members shared their belief in how important a consideration safety is when it comes to the budget.
Upon MOTION duly made by Chair Skartvedt and seconded by Trustee Haack, the 2023-2024 Budget was approved. The Village Clerk conducted roll call.
Chair Skartvedt -AYE
Trustee Gilg -AYE
Trustee Haack -AYE
Trustee Lindley -NAY
Trustee West -NAY
Motion carried: 3-2
Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting of the Village Board will be held September 5, 2023, at 1:30 p.m.
There being no further business, upon motion duly made by Trustee Lindley and seconded by Trustee Haack and carried by unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.
Motion carried: 5-0
Respectfully submitted,
Kyle Skartvedt
James Beckmann
Village Clerk
Village of Boys Town
2023 to 2024 Budget Summary
Explanation of the Change From
2022-23 Budget to the 2023-24 Budget
Area Explanation Incr/(Decr)
Operating Expense:
Street Repair/Paving-Flanagan and Hero’s Blds Resurfacing (see budget from Maintenance/Lamp)
Sewer & Water Maint/Improvement-Annual Storm Sewer Reconstruction (see budget from Maintenance/Lamp)
Engineering/Testing Fees (see budget from Maintenance/Lamp)
Lake and Grounds Expense-Safety Improvements and Park Amenities (see budget from Maintenance/Lamp)
Contract/Consultation Services -Underbudgeted Lamp Rynearson Consultation fees
Police Dept.
Pay related - Budget includes $3/hr. retention bonus ($2 in 2023 & $1 in 2024) for Officers including Chiefs, 5% merit increase effective Jan 1, 2024, overtime increase of 20% due to change of calculation from per pay period to per week, and an extra incentive shift pay of $1/hr. added for Sat-Sun, 7am-2pm. Also, currently have 3.5 vacant officers positions of which the 3 full-time vacant officer positions are not included in the Preliminary Budget.
Net Fringe Benefits/Taxes - Aligns with budgeted positions. Medical insurance claims have increased over the past year which is taken into account for budgeted positions.
Fire Dept.
Salary Related Costs - Full year’s salary for 2 FTEs
Increase EMT Training Program costs - more classes and instructors. Should be offset by increase revenue.
Equipment Rental & Repairs - need to replace all pagers ($18.5k)
Increased Food Costs
Fire Fighting Supplies - Bunker gear replacement was purchased in the prior year
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Operating Expense 1,098,379
Road Costs (see Lamp Detail) 60,900
Police Dept.
Replacement of Cruiser
and equipment -
Fire Dept.
Replacing end of life Zoll Monitor 39,500
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Capital 100,400
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Operating Expense
& Capital 1,198,779
* Employment practices
liability insurance
** See Lamp Rynearson Detailed
Project List
Village of Boys Town
2023 to 2024 Budget Summary
Explanation of the Change from
10/22-09/23 Projected Actual
to 2023-24 Budget
Area Explanation Incr/(Decr)
Operating Expense:
Unspent Lake and Grounds Expense (see Lamp Detail)
Unspent Street Repair/Paving (see Lamp Detail)
Unspent Sewer & Water Maint/Improvement (see Lamp Detail)
Unspent Engineering/Testing Fees (see Lamp Detail)
OPPD Expense less than anticipated (could be timing)
Unspent Contract/Consultation Services
Miscellaneous Expense - Unspent contingency
Police Dept.
Budget includes $3/hr. retention bonus ($2 in 2023 & $1 in 2024) for Officers including Chiefs, 5% merit increase effective Jan 1, 2024, overtime increase of 20% due to change of calculation from per pay period to per week, and an extra incentive shift pay of $1/hr. added for Sat-Sun, 7am-2pm. Also, currently have 3.5 vacant officers positions of which the 3 full-time vacant officer positions are not included in the Preliminary Budget.
Net Fringe Benefits/Taxes - Aligns with budgeted positions. Medical insurance claims have increased over the past year which is taken into account for budgeted positions.
Vests, duty gear Mobile Data Computers, and radio batteries. The vests gets purchased every 5 years. This is a rotating timetable because it depends on when the officer was hired.
Uniform Equipment - Increase due to hiring of vacant positions
Fire Dept.
Salary Related Costs - Full year’s salary for 2 FTEs
Equipment Rental & Repairs - need to replace all pagers ($18.5k)
EMT trainer costs (see EMT Training detail), American Red Cross, Manuals, etc. Anticipating fewer classes this budget year due to possible training saturation with the smaller rural departments.
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Operating Expense 2,027,527
PY Unspent Capital Projects ** 4,399,700
Police Dept.
Purchase of New Cruiser & Equip -
Fire Dept.
PY Purchase of Self-contained
breathing apparatus 39,500
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Capital 4,439,200
Total Increase/(Decrease)
in Operating Expense
& Capital 6,466,727
** See Lamp Rynearson
Detailed Project List
9/19 ZNEZ
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