State of Nebraska Public Notices 1/16/2025
The following application(s) may be inspected at the office of the Nebraska Public Service Commission during regular office hours. Interventions must be filed with the Commission in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Rules of Commission Procedure, Title 291, NAC Chapter 1.
NUSF-92.65 In the Matter of the Nebraska Public Service Commission, on its own Motion, seeking to administer the Nebraska Universal Service Fund’s Broadband Program: Application to the Nebraska Broadband Program received from: United States Cellular Corporation.
The following application(s) may be inspected at the office of the Commission during regular business hours. Protests must be filed with the Nebraska Public Service Commission and the Applicant in the manner and within the time prescribed in Section 14 of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure.
B-2128.01r In the Matter of the Application of Zum Services, Inc., Redwood City, California, seeking to establish its rates and charges subject to the Provisions of Neb. Rev. Stat. (Reissue 2014), Chapter 75, Articles 1 and 3. This Order was granted on an emergency basis.
MT-0001.05: In the Matter of the Nebraska Public Service Commission, on its own motion, seeking to address certain carriers in non-compliance with annual renewal requirements.
Public hearing is scheduled on this matter for February 4, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. at Central time in the Commission Hearing Room, 1200 N Street, Suite 300, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Remote access to the hearing(s) will be available via WebEx and telephone. Information for connecting may be access at the following: (case sensitive). Voice access will be available by dialing 469-210-7159, Access Code 146 153 5285.
If auxiliary aids or reasonable accommodations are needed for attendance at the hearing, please call the Commission at (402) 471-3101. For people with hearing/speech impairments, please call the Nebraska Relay System at (800) 833-7352 (TDD) or (800) 833-0920 (voice). Advance notice of at least seven days is needed when requesting an interpreter.
1/16 ZNEZ
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