Let Michael McKee Empower You
The Daily Record is happy to introduce you to our newest columnist, Michael McKee. McKee is a lifelong learner with a long-time history in the Omaha business community. He is part owner and the Director of the Omaha Empowerment Breakfast, a once-a-month non-membership business networking event, that has been an Omaha tradition for over 20 years. You need a great problem solver? Solution provider? Call McKee and he will be your connector.
Besides knowing a lot of people, McKee knows a lot of things. He holds industry certifications, he is a specialist on identity theft and fraud, has been a cyber-security professional, and is currently an Evernote Expert. He recently attended a school to open safes and vaults. McKee is a father and grandfather that is active in civic organizations in Omaha communities that help youth to be future leaders. He has been a business coach and is a 25-year US Air Force veteran.
McKee’s column, “Empower You” will be sharing knowledge of ideas and tips to make your life easier, more effective, safer, less vulnerable, and hopefully more productive. We welcome questions for McKee to be addressed in the column, or feedback on published material.
If you have something to share with McKee, you can write to us at The Daily Record at newsroom@omahadailyrecord.com, or you can attend at the Omaha Empowerment Breakfast (OmahaEmpowermentBreakfast.org). The OEB’s mission is to create an environment that builds local businesses, shares information, and connects small and big businesses in the metro. Along with that OEB is a fun time and is all about relationship building.
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