Learning Community Public Notices 11/1/2024
The Learning Community of Douglas and Sarpy Counties (“Learning Community”), a Nebraska political subdivision charged with narrowing the student achievement gap, is accepting applications to fill a vacancy on its governing body (“Coordinating Council”) representing Achievement Subcouncil 1 (please see www.votedouglascounty.com for boundary information). The appointment carries a term of service from November 2024 through December 2026.
The application for appointments can be found at www.learningcommunityds.org. Applications must be submitted in person or by U.S. Mail to the Learning Community at 1612 N. 24th St., Omaha, NE 68110 with receipt by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024 (per policy, minimum 10 days after this news release). Incomplete applications and applications received after the deadline will not be considered.
Any applicants selected to be interviewed will be notified by Friday, November 15, 2024. The Coordinating Council will interview selected candidates at its next regular meeting (November 21, 2024) or a special meeting called for such purposes. After all candidates have been interviewed, the Coordinating Council may designate and vote on up to three (3) finalists for the appointment, with the finalist receiving a majority of the votes cast to secure the appointment. The appointee will be sworn in at either the same meeting at which the vote is conducted or at the next meeting of the Coordinating Council. Upon being sworn in, the appointee will have all the privileges and responsibilities of a member of the Coordinating Council. The Coordinating Council will declare the appointment process concluded without appointment, and will begin the process again, if: (1) no applicants are invited to interview; (2) no candidate is designated as a finalist; or (3) if no finalist receives a majority of votes cast.
Background and Responsibilities
of the Coordinating Council
The Coordinating Council comprises twelve (12) elected members from six (6) Achievement Subcouncils in Douglas and Sarpy counties. Each elected Coordinating Council member serves a four (4) year term, with members appointed to fill a vacancy serving the remainder of the elected member’s term, such appointee is replacing. The Coordinating Council is responsible for the business and legal affairs of the Learning Community. Coordinating Council members report to the Chair of the Coordinating Council.
The duties of the members of the Coordinating Council include, without limitation:
· Live within the geographic boundaries of the Achievement Subcouncil the member is elected or appointed to represent.
· Prepare for and attend regular and special meetings of the Coordinating Council and the applicable Achievement Subcouncil.
· Serve on at least one subcommittee of the Coordinating Council.
· Support and uphold the Learning Community’s mission and purposes.
· Select, support, and review the performance of the Chief Executive Officer.
· Observe the Learning Community’s bylaws, policies, and procedures and the applicable laws governing its operation.
· Provide feedback through the Chair of the Coordinating Council.
· Ensure effective planning.
· Oversee management of resources.
· Approve the annual budget.
· Oversee and ensure current and proposed programs and services are consistent with the Learning Community’s mission and purpose and applicable laws.
· Respect the authority and action of the Coordinating Council.
· Attend Coordinating Council retreats and training as scheduled.
11/1 ZNEZ
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