Comfort, and Peace

“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”
November 8th, 1838 – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
A great American philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, who wrote and spoke in length about the importance of civil disobedience, was Emerson’s pupil, as was one of the greatest poets ever to have lived: Walt Whitman. Perhaps the most famous modern thinker, Friedrich Nietzsche, called Emerson “the most gifted of the Americans." In 1826, Emerson moved to St. Augustine, Florida, and there he met the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, Achille Murat, and became his friend and student. Nobly, also taught at a school that was solely for women.
What a time to be alive, when giants still roamed the earth.
The quote was written after a speech he gave at Harvard when he lamented that Christians were beginning to worship Jesus, in the way, “how the Greeks describe Apollo." He himself had been a pastor and a devout Christian. His critics roared and after, he was not invited back to speak for thirty years.
But even to this day, Emerson’s quote still echoes with clarity through eternity. How quaint, that as a member of the very group that he lays a criticism upon the feet of, they cast him out and shout at his perceived heresy – that being a father of the budding American culture that was yearning to distinguish itself from a European one, and a father of critical thinking was disregarded by the “aggrieved” party.
And lo, today: as a watcher of people and as a Centrist I have seen the American Left consume their own members through cancel-culture and decry even the most moderate of conservatives as “Nazis.” On websites, if you posted politically right-leaning messages, likely you’d find yourself banned for “hate speech.” What good teachers the Left are too, because now the conservatives have learned to do just the same, deleting messages that they don't like and banning people (i.e.: from Twitter) and even practicing cancel-culture through political messaging. (Like the recent anger at Chief Justice John Roberts for pointing out that we don’t toss judges for rulings that we don’t like.)
Recently I have seen an uptick of memes and pictures from the American Left talking about how Centrists, Moderates, and Independents are awful for not supporting “common sense," things like “equality for all, justice, kindness, peace, love, fairness, rule of law."
As I have written before:
First: right now, in America, the Left needs friends more than ever and they want to…. push potential allies away?
Is that how a husband gets his wife to agree and support him…. by insulting her?
Second: If I support adults being able to tattoo themselves, and even change their own body to suit their preference, (i.e.: trans) a conservative would call me a snowflake.
But if I say children should not be allowed to transition, Liberals will call me… a Nazi.
If I say that I do not support Trans individuals in women’s sports, conservatives will call me conservative.
If I support free, unadulterated speech I would consider myself a constitutionalist while Liberals… not so much.
I support gay marriage: I’m an ally!
Centrists, Moderates, and Independents do exist, and we do watch all of the name-calling ratcheting fervor between the growing political schism from our quiet places.
“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind."
1841 – Ralph Waldo Emerson,
and also his from 1860:
"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is a confession of their character.”
It would be pedantic of me to ask, “Are there plenty of things to be angry about?”
I seek not an answer to the question, but to pass a renewed focus to any who strive to reach their pinnacle aptitude and glory.
To expound, I present Kahlil Gibran in, “The Prophet.”
“Have you peace? The quiet urge that reveals your power? Have you remembrances: the glimmering arches that span the arches of your mind?... Or have you only comfort, and the lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, then becomes a host, and then a master?”
Rage: rage is comfortable. It is an easy place to rest where those who keep it close need not face criticisms for it will devour them in its ever-perpetual crown of self-righteousness, and it shall swaddle those people in a cloth sewn with a comfortable thread made of easy thinking and lazy accusations.
Too often I see Conservatives and Liberals led by a noose handed to them by “Entertainment News,” and memes constructed from half-truths: all designed to stoke rage. There is only more division incoming unless at the ground level, you, dear reader, can help with passing on a torch of peace and mentorship to those around you that is not tainted with the insidiousness of anger.
I hope that if nothing else I have succeeded in passing on Emerson’s quote so that it can be held close when debates, arguments, rage-bait memes, articles, and those seemingly brainless that choose to share them. Because of social media and the fact that “entertainment news" is allowed to be a thing, we are ever exposing ourselves to a greater number of things that intentionally try to “push our buttons."
Aye, rage is a lazy and passive emotion and response, while inner peace is an active journey and healthier not just for you or me, but for everyone around us.
“Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.”
Austin Petak is an aspiring novelist and freelance journalist who loves seeking stories and the quiet passions of the soul. If you are interested in reaching out to him to cover a story, you may find him at
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