City of Omaha Public Notices 3/24/2025
10:30 A.M.
12th FLOOR, ROOM 1210
1:00 P.M. – WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2025
Final Plat approval of HEARTLAND OF AMERICA PARK REPLAT 2 (formerly CHILDRENS FINAL PLAT), a subdivision inside city limits (property is located within an ACI-Area of Civic Importance Overlay District), Northeast of 8th and Douglas Streets
Final Plat approval of INDIAN RIDGE (Lots 1-207, Outlots A-D), a subdivision outside city limits, with rezoning from AG to DR and R4, Southeast of 204th and Ida Streets
Special Use Permits
Approval of a Special Use Permit to allow Large group living in the R4(35) District, 9423 Adams Street
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow Religious assembly in the R6 District, along with approval of a Parking Adjustment for a Mixed Use Development, 2902 South 20th Street
Master Plan Referrals
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 2250 Fort Street
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 3820 and 3816 North 36th Street
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 2861 Ellison Avenue and 5625 North 29th Street
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 2415 Florence Boulevard
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 2428 and 2430 Lake Street
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 4038 and 4034 Hartman Circle
Approval of the disposition of City-owned property, 4101, 4021, 4019, 4017, 3927, and 3925 North 24th Street
Approval of the 2025 Annual Action Plan, City of Omaha and the Three-Mile Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Approval of a Substantial Amendment to the 2024 Annual Action Plan, City of Omaha and the Three-Mile Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
Approval of an Amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the City’s Master Plan from Office Commercial and Low Density Residential to High Density Residential, North of Missouri Avenue and L Street
Approval of the 3501 FARNAM STREET APARTMENTS TIF Redevelopment Project Plan, 3501 Farnam Street
Approval of the ATRIUM MULTIFAMILY TIF Redevelopment Project Plan, 7270 Cedar Street
Preliminary Plat approval of SOUTHSIDE TERRACE 3, a subdivision inside city limits (property is located within an NCE-Overlay District), Southeast of 30th and T Streets
Preliminary and Final Plat approval of WEST DODGE HILLS REPLAT 4, a minor plat inside city limits, with approval of a Major Amendment to the Mixed Use Development Agreement for WEST DODGE HILLS, along with a repeal of the ACI-Overlay for a portion of the site, Southwest of 180th Street and West Dodge Road
Preliminary and Final Plat approval of THE PERCH, a minor plat inside city limits, with rezoning from R1 to DR and R2, along with approval of a waiver to Section 53-8(4)d, Lot frontage, Southwest of Skyline Drive and Bonanza Boulevard
Rezoning from R5(35) to R5, Northeast of 40th and Blondo Streets
Rezoning from R7 to R4, 3819 X Street
Rezoning from R4(35) to R5, 2861 Ellison Avenue and 5625 North 29th Street
Rezoning from R4 to R5, 2415 Florence Boulevard
Rezoning from R7 and GC to R7, along with approval of a Special Use Permit to allow a Recreational club in the R7 District, and expansion of the MCC-Major Commercial Corridor Overlay District, North of Missouri Avenue and L Street
Rezoning from R4(35) to R5, 965 South 51st Street
Approval of a Major Amendment to the Mixed Use Development Agreement for PEPPERWOOD VILLAGE, 505 North 155th Plaza
Rezoning from DR to R4, 1401 Veterans Drive
Approval of a Major Amendment to the PUR-Planned Unit Redevelopment Overlay District, 1440 South 13th Street
Approval of the ACI-Area of Civic Importance Overlay District, 707 North 102nd Street and 10000 California Street
Conditional Use Permits
Approval of a Major Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to allow Secondary education facilities in the DR District (property is located within an ACI-Area of Civic Importance Overlay District), 12200 Burke Road
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow Multiple-family residential in the CC District, Southwest of 243rd and Chicago Streets
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow Religious assembly in the R2 District, 5113 Hartman Avenue
Approval of a Major Amendment to the Conditional Use Permit to allow Religious assembly in the R3 District, 1031 Sunset Trail
Approval of a Major Amendment to the presumed Conditional Use Permit pursuant to Section 55-883(q) to allow Safety services in the DR District (property is located within an ED-Environmental Overlay District), 12919 Ponca Road
Approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow Surface parking in the NBD District, 3926 Harney Street
NOTE: All requests for sign language interpreters (signers) will require a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. If necessary, contact the Board Secretary at (402) 444-5150 x.2078.
The Planning Board reserves the right to amend the above agenda. The Planning Board agenda and other information regarding the Planning Board and Planning Department are available on the Internet at The agendas available on the Internet are subject to change and are for convenience purposes only. A copy of the official agenda, kept continually current, shall be available for public inspection at the office of the Omaha Planning Department, 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 1100, Omaha, Nebraska, during normal business hours.
Prior to the hearing, the applicant may schedule a time to review the City’s case file during normal business hours by contacting the Planning Department at (402) 444-5150 x.2063. If an alternative (audio version) to this agenda is necessary, please notify the Board Secretary at (402) 444-5150 x.2078, 72 hours in advance.
Mike Carter, Administrator
Planning Board
3/24 ZNEZ
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