City of Omaha City Council District 2 - Juanita Johnson
Name Juanita Johnson
Occupation Project Engineer
Education Bachelor of Business Administration, working on MBA
Political Affiliation Democrat
Juanita Johnson did not respond to The Daily Record’s request to complete a questionnaire.
“As a community organizer in North Omaha, Chair of the 24th Street Corridor Alliance, member of the Long School Neighborhood Association, and IT entrepreneur — I believe progress happens when we empower the people to chart their own paths,” Juanita wrote on her campaign Facebook page.
Juanita’s campaign platform includes inclusion for everyone through community town halls, networking with community organizations, and diversity and inclusion training; economic development through expansion of minority owned businesses, improved public transportation, apprenticeship and internship opportunities, and job growth in North Omaha; and real talk through social media and other channels.
Johnson told The Omaha World-Herald she understands the challenges of her neighbors.
“I have what it takes to take North Omaha to the next level,” Johnson told the newspaper.
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