Minutes of Meeting
of the Board of Trustees
Village of Boys Town
April 5, 2022
The meeting of the Board of the Village of Boys Town was held at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 2022, in the Headquarters Building of Father Flanagan’s Boys’ Home in the Village of Boys Town, Nebraska.
Call to Order:
Chair Skartvedt called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m.
Notice of Meeting:
A copy of the Open Meetings laws was placed at the entrances to the room. The Notice of Meeting was posted on March 29, 2022, to Beacon and Village of Boys Town websites, and in the following designated public places in the Village of Boys Town: Town Hall, Visitor’s Center, and Headquarters. The Notice of Meeting was also published in The Daily Record on March 29, 2022.
Pledge of Allegiance/Moment of Silence:
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Village Clerk Conducted Roll Call:
Village Board of Trustees:
Kyle Skartvedt - Chair - Present
Monsignor James Gilg - Trustee - Present
Joe West - Trustee - Present
Chris Haack - Trustee - Not Present
Jeff Lindley - Trustee - Present
Also present:
Judy Rasmussen - Treasurer - Present
Bill Clark - Chief of Police - Present
Dana Washington - Village Attorney - Present
Joe Oetken - Village Engineer - Present
James Beckmann - Village Clerk - Present
John Kava - Fire Chief - Present via audio bridge
Consent Agenda and Minutes of Prior Meeting:
Chair Skartvedt moved for approval of March 1, 2022, Minutes.
Upon MOTION duly made by Msgr. Gilg and seconded by West, the Consent Agenda and Minutes were accepted. The Village Clerk conducted roll call.
Chair Skartvedt - AYE
Trustee Msgr. Gilg - AYE
Trustee West - AYE
Trustee Lindley - AYE
Motion carried: 4 -0
Special Presentation/Proclamation:
The Chief of Police, William R. Clark, officially proclaimed April as Child Abuse Awareness Month in the Village of Boys Town.
Treasurer’s Report, Report on Claims to Be Paid, Report on Prepaid Claims:
The Village Treasurer reviewed the February 2022 Financial Report with the Trustees. The balance of all funds as of February 28 collectively $452,928.91. Detailed reports of Payroll & Related Invoices Paid and Invoices to be Paid are attached herewith and become part of the minutes. Chair Skartvedt solicited a motion for consideration of and to approve action on accounts of the Village Treasurer, to approve the Village General Fund allowance, Payroll & Related Invoices Paid, and Invoices to be Paid.
Upon MOTION duly made by Lindley and seconded by West, these matters were accepted. The Village Clerk conducted roll call:
Chair Skartvedt - AYE
Trustee Msgr. Gilg - AYE
Trustee West - AYE
Trustee Lindley - AYE
Motion carried: 4-0
BerganKDV, LLC Financial Report:
BerganKDV, LLC presented their financial audit in accordance with the auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the governmental activities and the major fund of the Village of Boys Town, Nebraska (the “Village”), as of and for the year ended September 30, 2021, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the Village’s basic financial statements, and have issued their report thereon dated February 17, 2022.
The audit, described in the paragraph above, did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that BerganKDV consider to be material weaknesses.
Report of the Village Police Chief:
Chief Clark reported both recruits will graduate on April 14 and be sworn in and fully certified at the Boys Town Police Department on April 15, followed by two weeks of shadow training. There are discussions around a combined effort with the fire and security departments for a Fall event in August similar to National Night Out and coordination of active shooter and mass casualty training.
Report of the Village Fire Chief:
Chief Kava reported the department is working on combined training with police and security and that there are several EMT classes currently being held.
Report of the Village Engineer & Superintendent:
Joe Oetken reported multiple projects in process, the milling repairs on Farm Road and potholes within the Village have been completed, the plan is being updated for work on the Northeast corner of Wegner on Mother Theresa Lane, and minor leakage repair to outlets where water leaves the lake when it rises.
Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting of the Village Board is scheduled for Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 1:30 p.m.
There being no further business, upon motion duly made by West and seconded by Msgr. Gilg and carried by unanimous vote, the meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.
Motion carried: 4-0
Respectfully submitted,
James Beckmann
Village Clerk
Kyle Skartvedt
Chair of the Board
for the Month Ending
February 28, 2022
Balance Forward $ 351,982.90
(i.e., Interest, Voids, prior period) 0.00
Receipts for the Month 377,479.74
Less Warrants Issued (350,565.14)
Transfers 0.00
Less Bank Fees (348.65)
Payroll Maxx Fees - EFT Debit (432.63)
Payroll (56,458.58)
Balance $ 321,657.64
Balance Forward $ 108,231.20
(i.e., Interest, Voids, prior period) 0.00
Receipts for the Month 24,757.04
Less Warrants Issued (1,525.00)
Transfers 0.00
Less Bank Fees (191.97)
Balance $ 131,271.27
JPM Gen Checking: $ 321,657.64
JPM EMS Funds: 131,271.27
TOTAL FUNDS: $ 452,928.91
Judy F. Rasmussen
Village of Boys Town
Invoices to be Paid
As of April 5, 2022
Mar 2 - Apr 5, 22
03/07/2022 02/19/2022 Alex Duling EMT
Trainer 5 Hrs 02/19/22 Location - Boystown 100.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Alex Duling EMT
Trainer 1 Hrs 03/12/22 Location - Boystown 20.00
03/28/2022 03/21 & 3/24/2022 Alex Duling
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/21 & 3/24/22 Location - Boystown 90.00
03/07/2022 02/20/2022 Anthony Bagwell
EMT Trainer 7.5 hrs 02/20/22 Location - Elmwood 150.00
03/07/2022 02/27/2022 Anthony Bagwell
EMT Trainer 7.5 Hrs 02/27/22 Location - Elmwood 150.00
03/18/2022 03/13/2022 Anthony Bagwell
EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 03/13/22 Location - Elmwood 140.00
03/23/2022 3988685 Arthur J. Gallagher
Risk Mgmt Serv Comm Pkg EMT/FIRE Ins 09/01/21 to 09/01/22 - Installment 9 of 10 1,199.25
03/29/2022 4211612 Arthur J. Gallagher
Risk Mgmt Serv 2022-2023 Public Officials Liability & EPLI Insurance & Fees 4,168.12
03/10/2022 1152003 BerganKDV LLC Final
Billig for Audit - year ending 09/30/2021 7,250.00
03/03/2022 16253 Blue Valley Public Safety,
Inc. Mar 2022 Maintenance of City Outdoor Warning Siren System 269.50
03/07/2022 02/19/2022 Bradley Harm EMT
Trainer 5 Hrs 02/19/22 Location - Boys Town 100.00
03/07/2022 02/20/2022 Cathy Blankenship
EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 02/20/22 Location - Elmwood 160.00
03/11/2022 03/06/2022 Cathy Blankenship
EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 03/06/22 Location - Elmwood 140.00
03/07/2022 02/26/2022 Chad Lingel EMT
Trainer 3 Hrs 02/26/22 Location - Boys Town 60.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Chad Lingel EMT
Trainer 1 Hr 03/12/22 Location - Boys Town 20.00
03/25/2022 03/21/2022 Chad Lingel EMT
Trainer 4 Hrs 03/21/22 Location - Boys Town 80.00
03/03/2022 222121 Consolidated Mgmt Co
Monk & Thedens Food 02/24/22 - 03/02/22 186.23
03/03/2022 222071 Consolidated Mgmt Co
Monk & Thedens Food 02/17/22 - 02/23/22 130.96
03/09/2022 222171 Consolidated Mgmt Co
Monk & Thedens Food 03/04/22 - 03/09/22 139.95
03/16/2022 222216 Consolidated Mgmt Co
Monk & Thedens Food 03/10/22 - 03/16/22 140.56
03/23/2022 222256 Consolidated Mgmt Co
Monk & Thedens Food 03/17/22 - 03/23/22 110.04
03/11/2022 2/02 - 3/01/22 Cox Business
Feb 2 - Mar 1,2022 - DC - Dot.Comm - Late Receiving bill 03/11/22 55.00
03/11/2022 3/02 - 4/01/22 Cox Business
Mar 2 - Apr 1,2022 - DC - Dot.Comm 58.82
03/18/2022 03/11/2022 Craig Vyhnalek
EMT Trainer 3 Hrs 03/11/22 Location - Wilber 60.00
03/03/2022 122090 Danko Emergency
Equip Co. Fire Gauntlet Gloves X-Small 131.64
03/07/2022 02/27/2022 Deena M. Pallas
EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 02/27/22 Location - Elmwood 140.00
03/11/2022 03/06/2022 Deena M. Pallas
EMT Trainer 6.5 Hrs 03/06/22 Location - Elmwood 130.00
03/25/2022 03/20 & 3/23/22 Deena M.
Pallas EMT Trainer 8.5 Hrs 03/20 & 3/23/22 Location - Elmwood 170.00
03/11/2022 03/10/2022 Emma Zeratsky
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/10/22 Location - Waterloo 80.00
03/18/2022 03/15/2022 Emma Zeratsky
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/15/22 Location - Waterloo 80.00
03/25/2022 03/22 & 03/24/22 Emma
Zeratsky EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 03/22 & 3/24/22 Location - Waterloo 160.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Health
Ins, RX, Worker’s Comp, 013010, 013230, 016870 - Feb 12,826.73
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Discovery
Benefits Comes on Admin Invoice Police - Feb 4.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Voluntary
Life (013230) Reliance Inv. I1561801 Police - Feb 118.60
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Voluntary
AD&D (013230) Reliance Inv I1561801 Police - Feb 6.50
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Voluntary
Accident (013120) Reliastar Inv. I1561776 Police - Feb 47.30
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Village
LTD(013120) Reliance Inv. I1561801 Police - Feb 198.11
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Basic Life
& Basic AD & D (013230) Reliance Inv. I1561801 Police - Feb 110.75
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Police
Profess liability Ins Allocation - Feb 635.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Print Shop
Services Police Dept - Feb 82.50
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Copier
Charges for Police Dept - Feb 107.02
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Postage
Police Dept - Feb 22.01
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Fuel Police
Dept - Feb 1,566.75
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH 2017, 2020
Bond Int. Exp Admin - Feb 29,768.67
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH The 3 ARE
ONE, Inc Charges Admin - Feb 30.50
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Monthly
Est. Service Costs Admin - Feb 33,333.33
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH 2017 Bond
Iss Fees, 2020 Bond Prepd Amort Admin - Feb 901.98
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Postage
Village Admin - Feb 6.89
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Nat’l
Registry EMT Membership fees - Jacob Charleston Fire - Feb 98.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Marco
copier charges Fire Dept - Feb 205.65
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Cox Comm
8.99 & Verizon Wireless 7.02 Fire Dept - Feb 16.01
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Paper Tiger
Shredding - Fire Dept - Feb 20.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Fuel
charged Fire Dept - Feb 439.99
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH EMT
Training Agency ARC Testing Fire - Feb 514.95
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Print shop
Expense for EMT Training Program Fire Dept - Feb 333.10
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH FISDAP -
Class Fees for EMT Training Program Fire Dept - Feb 2,740.50
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH AED
Superstore Replace Batteries - Lucas Device Squad 912 Fire - Feb 1,510.00
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Postage
Fire Dept - Feb 8.48
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Bound Tree
Squad Supplies Fire Dept - Feb 298.04
03/10/2022 22692-22694 FFBH Mamas
Pizza 511.47 Costco 282.75, Subway 158.00 Fire Dept - Feb 952.22
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Tommys Express 02/24 Stmnt Carwashes - BTPD, BTFD - Feb 35.00
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Verizon Wireless 02/24 Stmt Cell Phone charges 287.96
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Sirchie Finger Print Lab - Test Kits 23.27
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa -
Police Staples - Office Supplies 77.17
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police FNBO - Late Fee $39.00, Interest Charges $10.55 02/24/22 Stmt 49.55
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Tommy Express - current charges after 02/24 Statement 28.00
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Verizon Wirless -$430.10 phone Upgrade pd 3/07/22 430.10
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Amazon - TB Portable Hard Drive Current Charges after 02/24 Stmt 89.99
03/03/2022 03/17/2022- Police FNB Visa
- Police Staples - Office Supplies Current Charges after 02/24/22 Stmt 36.05
03/18/2022 03/11/2022 Harrison Gamen
EMT Trainer 3 Hrs 03/11/22 Location - Wilber 60.00
03/07/2022 02/20-24/2022 Jacob R Blunt
EMT Trainer 11 Hrs 02/20 & 02/24/22 Location - Elmwood 275.00
03/07/2022 02/27/2022 Jacob R Blunt EMT
Trainer 8 Hrs 02/27/22 Location - Elmwood 200.00
03/11/2022 03/06/2022 Jacob R Blunt EMT
Trainer 7 Hrs 03/06/22 Location - Elmwood 175.00
03/18/2022 03/11-03/17/2022 Jacob R
Blunt MT Trainer 13 Hrs 03/11, 03/13 & 03/17/22 Location - Elmwood 325.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Jami Mitchell EMT
Trainer 1 Hr 03/12/22 Location - Boystown 20.00
03/16/2022 03/16/22-Reimburse John Kava
Costco - Membership Renewal for Village 120.00
03/16/2022 03/16/22-Reimburse John Kava
Costco - Food/Snacks for Fire Dept Feb 2022 291.76
03/18/2022 03/17/2022 Joseph LaPuzza
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/17/22 Location - Waterloo 80.00
03/11/2022 03/07 & 03/09/22 Kathleen M.
Farris EMT Trainer 5 Hrs 03/07 & 03/09/22 Location - Boystown 125.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Kathleen M. Farris
EMT Trainer 1 Hr 03/12/22 Location - Boystown 20.00
03/25/2022 03/21 & 3/23/2022 Kathleen M.
Farris EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 03/21 & 03/23/22 Location - Boystown 175.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Konner Tourek EMT
Trainer 1 Hr 3/12/22 Location - Boystown 20.00
03/11/2022 03/06/2022 Luke Baldwin EMT
Trainer 6 Hrs 03/06/22 Location - Elmwood 120.00
03/18/2022 03/13/2022 Luke Baldwin EMT
Trainer 5 Hrs 03/13/22 Location - Elmwood 100.00
03/11/2022 03/09/2022 Mandalyne R. Dore
EMT Trainer 3.5 Hrs 03/09/22 Location - Boystown 70.00
03/18/2022 03/14-16/2022 Mandalyne
R. Dore EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 03/14/22 & 03/16/22 Location - Boys Town 160.00
03/25/2022 03/23/2022 Mandalyne R. Dore
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/23/22 Location - Boystown 80.00
03/07/2022 02/19-24/20/22 Marvin Barlow
EMT Instructor 16 Hrs 02/19,02/22, & 02/24/22 Location - Wilber 400.00
03/07/2022 03/01/2022 Marvin Barlow EMT
Instructor 4 Hrs 03/01/22 Location - Wilber 100.00
03/11/2022 03/08/2022 Marvin Barlow EMT
Instructor 4 Hrs 03/08/22 Location - Wilber 100.00
03/18/2022 03/12 & 03/17/22 Marvin
Barlow EMT Instructor 8 Hrs 03/12/22 & 03/17/22 Location-Boystown & Wilber 180.00
03/25/2022 03/22 & 03/24/22 Marvin
Barlow EMT Instructor 8 Hrs 03/22/22 & 03/24/22 Location - Wilber 200.00
03/07/2022 02/20/2022 Mary H. Johnson
EMT Trainer 7.5 Hrs 02/20/22 Location - Elmwood 150.00
03/25/2022 03/20/2022 Mary H. Johnson
EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 03/20/22 Location - Elmwood 160.00
03/07/2022 02/27/2022 Megan
Brackelsberg EMT Trainer 7 Hrs 2/27/22 Location - Elmwood 140.00
03/18/2022 03/13/2022 Megan
Brackelsberg EMT Trainer 6 Hrs 03/13/22 Location - Elmwood 120.00
03/14/2022 8230353912 Motorola Solutions
Inc. Premier Maint & Support Agreement 01/01/2022 to 12/31/2022 291.00
03/28/2022 10609 NE Law Enforcement
Training Cntr Fleet Use Fees - Basic Training Session - J. Monk & T. Thedens 350.00
03/23/2022 SFM 2022-004 NE State Fire
Marshal Meal for John Kava @ State Fire Marshal’s Mtg on 03/02/22 20.68
03/25/2022 1308036 Nebraska State Patrol
2022 MACH & TRACS License - User Fees 540.00
03/16/2022 2142 Nebraska Sweeping,
Inc. Fall Sweeping of Streets 12/11,12/12,12/13,12/18 & 12/19/2021 3,824.41
03/18/2022 03/11/2022 Nikki J Wells EMT
Trainer 3 Hrs 03/11/22 Location - Wilber 60.00
03/17/2022 Feb 22-Mar 22 OPPD Service
Period 02/09/22 - 03/09/2022 64,319.16
03/11/2022 03/10/2022 Paul Stewart EMT
Trainer 3 Hrs 03/10/22 Location - Waterloo 75.00
03/18/2022 03/14/22 & 03/15/22 Paul
Stewart EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 03/14 & 03/15/22 Location - Waterloo 100.00
03/25/2022 03/21/22 & 03/23/22 Paul
Stewart EMT Trainer 8.5 Hrs 03/21 & 03/23/22 Location - Waterloo & Boystown 200.00
03/07/2022 02/15 & 02/17/2022 Phillip
Oelschlager EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 02/15 & 02/17/22 Location - Wilber 160.00
03/07/2022 03/01 & 03/03/2022 Phillip
Oelschlager EMT Trainer 8 Hrs 03/01 & 03/03/22 Location - Wilber 160.00
03/07/2022 02/26/2022 Robert G. Atkinson
EMT Trainer 4 Hrs 02/26/22 Location - Boys Town 80.00
03/18/2022 03/12/2022 Robert G. Atkinson
EMT Trainer 1 Hr 03/12/22 Location - Boys Town 20.00
03/25/2022 03/21/2022 Robert G. Atkinson
EMT Trainer 2 Hrs 03/21/22 Location - Boys Town 40.00
03/11/2022 12093 Sayler Screenprinting
Apparel - J. Monk Law Enforecment Training Cntr Academy 112.25
03/11/2022 12084 Sayler Screenprinting
Apparel - T. Thedens Law Enforecment Training Cntr Academy 92.25
03/11/2022 2254 SN Contracting, LLC
Relocations of 6 Street Lights along Walsh - Original Invoice Date 06/30/21 9,500.00
Mar 2 - Apr 5, 22 187,742.25
Village of Boys Town
Payroll & Related Invoices Paid
March 2 through April 5, 2022
Mar 2 - Apr 5, 22
03/02/2022 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims
paid thru 02/25/2022 Inv. 220301581249 (1,745.52)
03/04/2022 FOP Lodge 35 Union Dues Paid
by ACH-1226716 (200.00)
03/04/2022 Vanguard Total Police & Fire
Retirement & Loans Pulled from Ckg (4,822.36)
03/04/2022 Agency ck Child Support
03/04/2022 Payroll Maxx Fees Payroll
Processing Fee Inv. 484178 (105.38)
03/04/2022 Record Payroll Total Net Payroll-
Cover Letter (18,190.48)
03/04/2022 Record Payroll Total Tax
Liability-Cover Letter (8,724.42)
03/08/2022 16131 Davis Vision, Inc. Client
ID: 1000000365 - Inv. 70098288 (99.22)
03/08/2022 16132 Delta Dental of NE
02/01/22 thru 02/28/22 Admin Fee & Dental Claims Pd 02/20 Thru 02/26/22 (276.30)
03/09/2022 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims
paid thru 03/04/2022 Inv. 220308583023 (2,295.81)
03/16/2022 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims
paid thru 03/11/2022 Inv. 220315584727 (849.88)
03/18/2022 FOP Lodge 35 Union Dues Paid
by ACH-1227931 (200.00)
03/18/2022 Vanguard Total Police & Fire
Retirement & Loans Pulled from Ckg (7,285.35)
03/18/2022 Agency ck Child Support
03/18/2022 Payroll Maxx Fees Payroll
Processing Fee Inv. 485440 (264.16)
03/18/2022 Record Payroll Total Net Payroll-
Cover Letter (22,457.36)
03/18/2022 Record Payroll Total Tax
Liability-Cover Letter (12,315.08)
03/22/2022 16133 Delta Dental of
NE WKY0002190498 - Claims Pd thru 03/12/2022 (534.40)
03/23/2022 ACH Highmark, Inc. Claims
paid thru 03/18/2022 Inv. 220322586426 (33,301.70)
03/29/2022 16134 Davis Vision, Inc. Vision
Ins - Apr 2022 Inv. 70100170 (99.22)
Mar 2 - Apr 5, 22 (115,008.52)
5/19 ZNEZ
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The Daily Record
222 South 72nd Street, Suite 302
Omaha, Nebraska
United States
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